Fluke you, Rush

I rarely, if ever, write about Rush Limbaugh. He’s just not that interesting to me andearlier today the Queen Bee of First Draftnailed the misogynistic fuck to the wall. I am, however, enjoying the latest controversy because it looks as if Rushbo has finally gone too far even for some Republicans. If calling a law student a slut and a prostitute polls badly, Mitt Romney may even mildly criticize the GOP’s barrage buffoon. Of course, as an elder of a deeply misogynistic church, that’s unlikely…

A few things about this mess have tickled my fancy. Rush’s suggestion that Ms. Fluke (love the pronunciation Fluckin’ A) post sex videos online has conjured up all sorts of vile images of Rush’s literal malakatude. I’m scarred for life just thinking about it. It also seems that LImbaugh hasn’t a clue as to how the pill works: it sounds as if he thinks a woman pops one *every* time she has sex. One doesn’t have to have a uterus or vagina to know that’s wrong but it’s hard to make sense when one’s pudgy foot is in one’s cavernous mouth. In Rush’s case one may not be the loneliest number:

Finally, I learned on the tweeter tube viaLisa of Southern Beale fame that Rush is going to have abust placed in the Missouri Statehouse. I wonder if he’ll be depicted with his head up his ass…

5 thoughts on “Fluke you, Rush

  1. I never cease to be amazed at how the right demands that someone stand up to them and then use the information of identity to vilify the person who stands up to them, often with thinly veiled threats.

  2. “One doesn’t have to have a uterus or vagina to know that’s wrong but it’s hard to make sense when one’s pudgy foot is in one’s cavernous mouth.”
    Agreed but one does need a functioning brain.
    But more importantly I never bought that tired excuse that Rush was an entertainer but I gotta say Rush has entertained me more this week than at any time in the last 30 years.
    So thanks Rush, you have given me hours of enjoyment watching your slimey ass try to squirm out of its Glennbeckian hole. (warning: Do not visualize)

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