Album Cover Art Wednesday: Twin Peaks

I did a shout out for suggestions on Facebook and my friend Charlotte answered the call with this spectacular cover. It has bupkis to do with the David Lynch teevee show, but is instead a 1974 live album by Mountain who have been around off and on since they reformed in the 1980’s. I had no idea.

I also had no idea that the artist, Gail Collins, was married to original Mountain bassist and Cream producer, Felix Pappalardi. Ms. Collins did a series of covers for Mountain including this LP. She was also a gifted lyricist for both Cream and Mountain. Another thing I did not know or recall:Gail Collins murdered Felix Pappalardi in 1983. No, it’s not Pulp Fiction Thursday, it only sounds like it.


Here’s the LP. It’s a little bit hard rock, a splash of blues with a dash of prog:

2 thoughts on “Album Cover Art Wednesday: Twin Peaks

  1. My band Grendel played Nantucket Sleighride as part of their set.
    As I recall, the singer did a hornpipe during the bridge…

  2. Thanks for that. I had that album, just because the cover caught my eye way back then.

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