2 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Video: The Beatles Meet Ed Sullivan

  1. When I was 11 in 1958, my father decreed that I had to pay for everything myself except food and housing. I paid for clothes, school books, haircuts, etc.
    I got my hair cut once a year. Just before school photos.
    The Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan.
    Before I got in the high school building, two teachers told me to get a haircut. I had another teacher tell me to get a haircut before I’d opened my locker.
    I was called out of my first period class to the dean of boys, who told me to go to the barber shop and get a haircut right then.
    No one had ever said a word about my hair length before. My hair was longer than any of those damned English men.
    I’ve hated the Beatles for 50 years.

  2. Luckily for me my father liked to watch Ed Sullivan so there were no fights over the show. (Unlike Star Trek… which he compared to juck.) So I was able to see all their appearances on Sullivan.
    I saved my money that spring to buy two tickets for the Shea Stadium concert. The family went to the World’s Fair that day and at the proper time my brother and I went to the concert. Somewhere I still have the ticket stubs.

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