“The French Revolution? Too Soon To Say”


There’s some question as to what Zhou Enlai really meant, but the post title is a fairly accurate quote…and worth considering in light of this op-ed  (hat tip to Adrastos, who pointed it out).

Today’s Christian nationalists talk a good game about respecting the Constitution and America’s founders, but at bottom they sound as if they prefer autocrats to democrats. In fact, what they really want is a king. “It is God that raises up a king,” according to Paula White, a prosperity gospel preacher who has advised Mr. Trump.

Of course, there are those on the Christian right who have made a show of holding their noses while supporting Mr. Trump to advance their aims of stacking the Supreme Court or ending abortion. But we are kidding ourselves if we think their continuing support for him is purely transactional.

I have attended dozens of Christian nationalist conferences and events over the past two years. And while I have heard plenty of comments casting doubt on the more questionable aspects of Mr. Trump’s character, the gist of the proceedings almost always comes down to the belief that he is a miracle sent straight from heaven to bring the nation back to the Lord. I have also learned that resistance to Mr. Trump is tantamount to resistance to God.

This isn’t the religious right we thought we knew. The Christian nationalist movement today is authoritarian, paranoid and patriarchal at its core. They aren’t fighting a culture war. They’re making a direct attack on democracy itself.

They want it all. And in Mr. Trump, they have found a man who does not merely serve their cause, but also satisfies their craving for a certain kind of political leadership.

Yep. They’d be perfectly happy getting rid of the whole enlightenment thing…minus of course the parts that are explicitly racist.

All that said, still, wow: yesterday, once again, Trump demonstrated he’s their Angel Moroni…minus the “i” at the end.

One thought on ““The French Revolution? Too Soon To Say”

  1. The history of Napoleon III and the “second empire” is more on-point.

    But it does show that when you dispose of monarchs, you need to be thorough, lest there be a new outbreak.

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