Death, Death and More Death

From Holden:

The number of US casualties in Chimpy’s Vanity War stands at 2048 this morning. But it is the Iraqi’s who bear the brunt of this war, at the hands of their “liberators”

“The US troops opened fire at a suspected civilian car on the main road leading to Baghdad International Airport, killing the driver and seriously wounding his wife,” Captain Ahmed Abdullah from Baghdad police told Xinhua.

And their fellow Iraqis.

The bodies are arriving at the mortuary in Baghdad in such large numbers that the orderlies have run out of places to store them properly.


Last month there were 972 corpses received, almost all victims of violent death. The vast majority were brought in with bullet holes. Many had their hands bound and faces mutilated.

No one knows quite how many people are being killed in Iraq or by whom.

But the evidence at Baghdad’s mortuary shows that the number has increased and that the number of Iraqis killed in the capital every two months is equivalent to the total number of US troops to die in the conflict so far.


May saw a record number of bodies from suicide bombings, June beheadings and now it is assassinations and drive-by shootings.


Post mortem examinations reveal that a significant number of gunshot deaths involve a single bullet, execution style.

There are cases of people having had electrical drills forced through their skulls and into their brains. Others have had their eyes burnt out. Many had hands bound by tape or handcuffs.