IlDuce Dipshit


Setting aside for the moment any moral questions regarding the Wikileaks material, e.g., whether or not it’s the equivalent of outing Valerie Plame, or whether Julian Assange is a dashing bohemian or degenerate pervert…isn’t the very existence of so many top secret documents the essence of “big government?” And aren’t professional dipshit clowns like Newt allegedly anti-big government?

And wouldn’tNewt’s preferred “solution” — declaring Assange an “enemy combatant,” which at its heart is government sanctioned killing, minus the whole messy rule-of-law and due process — be about as big government as any would-be autocrat/despot could dream for? Just wondering.

Oh wait, that’s right: big government isn’t a national security/police state. Big government is any modest effort to assist the destitute. And the media can never be expected to ask why this is the case.

Pardon me.

10 thoughts on “IlDuce Dipshit

  1. And the media can never be expected to ask why this is the case.
    Because then Newtie and his buddies in the so-called (liberal) media won’t get paid by their corporate masters! Anyways, it’s always much, much easier to simply parrot what your friends in government are telling you (especially if its classified and the friends remain “anonymous”) than it is to actually do real journalism. Which the so-called college history professor does not do…

  2. And wouldn’t Newt’s preferred “solution” — declaring Assange an “enemy combatant,” which at its heart is government sanctioned killing, minus the whole messy rule-of-law and due process — be about as big government as any would-be autocrat/despot could dream for?
    Well, Newt thinks that’s what a government should be doing — identifying and killing its enemies. That makes it pretty safe to say that’s how Newt and many Republicans would run things if they were in charge. Leak classified info? Bullet in the head. Write anything against the president? Bullet in the head. Hey, an enemy’s an enemy.

  3. I have an idea.
    Let’s get all the weenies out of Congress.
    Next time around, vote for women.
    What? WE can’t possibly screw things up worse than these GOBP white-headed boys have …

  4. What do you expect from a group of people who just voted down health benefits for 9/11 workers because they were too expensive while holding employment benefits hostage until the tax cuts were extended for the rich. These people operate in a total moral vacuum.

  5. The only way to really understand the Repulsican Party is to accept the premise that they exist solely to help the very wealthy acquire still more money to hoard. With that one simple assumption, the entirety of the Repub agenda makes clear sense.
    Newt as President is even more repulsive than Jerry Brown as Governor. Both would do us all a big favor by acknowledging that they had their day in the sun, and have no justification for an encore. It’s too late for Brown to make that acknowledgment, but there is still time for Newt. (Isn’t Newt a toad?)

  6. Ol’ Newticles is just hopping on the national security bandwagon because he thinks he gonna be Preznident someday.
    And believe me, Newticles would have his mother gang-raped if he thought it would gain him a few votes.
    Should I be concerned about what the Major Moral Cretin of the Known Universe thinks? Nah…

  7. Well, hoppy, given the choice, I’m on my knees thanking the goddess that rules the universe that Jerry Brown is governor of CA and not Meg Whitman. If you think you could have done a better job, you should have run. I might have voted for you. As it was, nobody with any sense wanted the job. I thought the same thing when Obama was running for POTUS. Why? Who in their right mind? Here’s the truth of the matter: California is on the verge of bankruptcy. Our state government is broken and a super-minority don’t want to fix it. Go ahead, blame that on Jerry Brown. I am not a Jerry Brown fan, but your comment was gratuitously offensive to everyone who voted for Jerry Brown this last election. Now, Gavin Newsom, a handsome young political opportunist, was Brown’s best opposition. Had he stayed in the race and won the nomination, we would now be looking forward to 4 years of Meg Whitman and I can only imagine the kind of justices she’s appoint to our court system.

  8. the GOP is addicted to tax cuts. forget that it is desztroying america, THE BABIES NEED TAX CUTS. GIMMEGIMMEGIMME.
    obama needs to send them to bed without their crack.

  9. Repigs are cool with a ‘Big Government’ military-security state — it’s good for business.
    In economic matters they’re not so much about ‘freedom’ as they are the privatization of oppression. Because coercion is magically no longer coercion when it’s done by a crooked corporation rather than a government.

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