Quote Of The Day: Throwback Thursday Edition

I’ve been struggling to get my satirical mojo back after this difficult week. Here’s how I put it on the Tweeter Tube:

I’m working on it because I have a nickname to live up to. There’s a lot to mock as well. Republicans are racing about like freshly beheaded chickens and making little sense after months of coronavirus trutherism. It’s hard to be a Trump cultist during a pandemic, y’all.

That brings me to the throwback quote. It comes from the late Vic Schiro who was Mayor of New Orleans from 1961 to 1970. It happened during 1965’s Hurricane Betsy, which was the most devastating storm to hit New Orleans before Katrina:

Schiro did NOT say that to The Beatles when they came to New Orleans in 1964 BUT  I couldn’t resist memeing this picture. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hopefully, giving props to this malaprop won’t lead to any false rumors. If it does, leave me out of it.

The last word goes to The Band, not The Beatles:

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