Vote Against The Crook, It’s Important

If it’s Tuesday, it must be the sixth installment in the weekly series inspired by the 1991 Duke-Edwards Gret Stet governor’s race. It was the most intense electoral experience of my life; formative too, it gave me an intense dislike of all forms of extremism.

A reminder of the unofficial slogan of the race from hell:

In 2024, we’re flipping that on its head and voting AGAINST the crook. It’s even more important.

Presidents are often judged by how they handle a crisis. That goes for Presdents* too. Donald Trump bungled the COVID pandemic. Bigly.

Then President* Pennywise sent out mixed messages during the peak of the pandemic:

He was for a lockdown before he was against it.

He was for masking before he was against it.

He initially praised Dr. Fauci before demonizing him.

He never uttered a compassionate word for the 350K Americans who died of COVID in 2020. The Kaiser of Chaos doesn’t do funerals.

He held super spreader events both at the White House and elsewhere,

He came down with COVID then staged a theatrical return when he left the hospital.

Finally, this stupid motherfucker urged Americans to drink bleach to ward off the plague.

In 2020, Republicans actually have the nerve to pose the 1980 Reagan question, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago.”

The answer is a resounding YES.

The last word goes to Yes:

One thought on “Vote Against The Crook, It’s Important

  1. His never uttering a word of compassion for the 350,000 people of perished from COVID in 2020 should be stapled to that damned red hat he wears at rallies.

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