Read him now

Oyster calls Matt at Fix the Pumps blog…”Louisiana’s most important blogger.”

This is vitally important stuff, people. Matt’s attention to
this issue has uncovered important facts that need widespread exposure,
and fearless investigation. New Orleanians deserve the unvarnished
truth about the flood control improvements being undertaken by USACE,
and the nation deserves an honest accounting of how its tax dollars are
being spent. Will we get these things if we don’t demand them?

YRHT salutes Matt’s analysis and activism on this crucially important topic. I encourage everyone to listen to what he’s saying.

Please go read and pass along the latest at Fix the Pumps.I have to say my fear is people will “discover” Matt’s work after something terrible happens.

5 thoughts on “Read him now

  1. I’ll bet Matt appears on 60 Minutes one day, in an “Investigating the Army Corps/Bush Cronies” story
    Which will probably air after another man-made flooding occurs in New Orleans.

  2. There is a lack of full performance testing on the New Orleans pumps.
    Here is my favorite part:
    Why not run the full performance tests?

    Why wouldn’t the New Orleans District and MWI want to know for sure if the pumps meet the spec? Why not yank every one of the pumps out one at a time, along with their twinned drive unit, mount them on a barge in the lake, and run ’em like they’re supposed to be run under Hydraulic Institute testing standards? That is, why not test the pumps through their entire range of performance as they were specified?
    The internal investigation also provides that answer: the pumps don’t meet the specification.

  3. Yeah Oyster after all the blog links percolate the story up to the media but well too late.

  4. It’s like the plot of “The China Syndrome” come to life. Just amazing to read.
    I have friends in NOLA, one lives in St. Bernard Parish and lost everything, the other in NW Metairie and had little damage. I keep forwarding them these links. Don’t know if it will help them (they seem pretty blase’ and/or resigned about it) but I figure they should know anyway.

  5. Spocko’s favorite part above is a very good one… I highlighted some of the more general commentary at my place.
    You gotta love the simple point Matt makes – just test the damn pumps and this how you could do it. If the pumps worked at all under a heavy workload, you’d think they could just show us.

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