Your President Speaks! AGAIN!

Today, inNashville, Tennessee.

What We Got

We got people in Iraq who murder the innocent to achieve their political objectives — and we’ve got Americans, who heal the broken hearts of little Iraqi girls.

Of course we alsohave got Americans whorape and murder 14-year-old girls and their families, Americans whotorture and murder Iraqis, and Americans wholie in order to initiate an unprovoked war.

2 thoughts on “Your President Speaks! AGAIN!

  1. “We got people in Iraq who murder the innocent to achieve their political objectives”
    but enough about the US Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, and merc goons.

  2. exhibit# 567,432: US Army occupation gunman cowardmurders 10 year old Iraqi girl.
    but Shrub and Dick’s investment portfolios are up up up, so it’s all good.

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