Pulp Fiction Thursday: In A Lonely Place

In A Lonely Place used to be the “lost Bogart classic” but thanks to TCM and Roger Ebert it has become part of the Bogie canon. Bogart is genuinely scary as hot tempered screenwriter Dixon Steele in a film that was, in part, a return to his bad guys roles. Dix, however, was more of an anti-hero, which made it fit the times since anti-heroes were “in” in 1950.

In A Lonely Place was the first major film directed by Nicholas Ray who had a great decade in the Fifties before going down in flames in what should have been *his* decade: the Sixties.

Other than Bogart, Gloria Grahame is the only “name” cast member and she gave a typically wonderful performance as a woman who put the dame in damsel in distress.

Here are some lobby cards:

In a Lonely Place (1950) 7

Here’s the trailer: