The Right Is Running Out of Boogeymen

From Holden:

They must be if they are now going after Clint Eastwood. Frank Rich explains.

Rush Limbaugh used his radio megaphone to inveigh against the “liberal propaganda” of “Million Dollar Baby,” in which Mr. Eastwood plays a crusty old fight trainer who takes on a fledgling “girl” boxer (Hilary Swank) desperate to be a champ. Mr. Limbaugh charged that the film was a subversively encoded endorsement of euthanasia, and the usual gang of ayotallahs chimed in. Michael Medved, the conservative radio host, has said that “hate is not too strong a word” to characterize his opinion of “Million Dollar Baby.” Rabbi Daniel Lapin, a longtime ally of the Christian right, went on MSNBC to accuse Mr. Eastwood of a cultural crime comparable to Bill Clinton having “brought the term ‘oral sex’ to America’s dinner tables.”

“What do you have to give these people to make them happy?” Mr. Eastwood asked when I phoned to get his reaction to his new status as a radical leftist. He is baffled that those “who expound from the right on American values” could reject a movie about a heroine who is “willing to pull herself up by the bootstraps, to work hard and persevere no matter what” to realize her dream. “That all sounds like Americana to me, like something out of Wendell Willkie,” he says. “And the villains in the movie include people who are participating in welfare fraud.”