Best of Froomkin

From Holden:

For my money Dan Froomkin is among the best lefty-bloggers in the biz. Here are two gems from today’s offering.

John Borland writes for CNET “In a quiet cafe in Washington, D.C., a cell phone rings. But instead of the commonplace digital bleeping or buzzing, it plays a recording of President Bush’s voice. ” ‘Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job,’ he says, and Arlo Guthrie’s ‘City of New Orleans’ starts playing under the looped quote. The remark is a snippet from a speech Bush made in the flooded southern city, in which he praised Federal Emergency Management Agency head Michael Brown shortly before Brown resigned.

Here is the Brownie ring tone.

Next, Dan refers us to the LA Times:

‘You’re seeing evidence of a profoundly disorganized and demoralized White House,’ said Ross Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University who has also spent time working on the Senate staff. ‘If you are looking for evidence of a rudderless White House, the slipshod manner in which Harriet Miers’ papers were prepared is really Exhibit A.’