4 thoughts on “Jobs Protesters

  1. Nah, it’ll never work. Where’s the tricorner hats? The George Washington impersonators? The misspelled signs? The wanna-be soldiers in their war gear? The guns?

  2. Where’s the tricorner hats? The George Washington impersonators? The misspelled signs? The wanna-be soldiers in their war gear?The guns?
    I wonder if that played any part at all in how the Tea Party protesters were treated as opposed to the Occupy Wall Street protesters.
    I bet they didn’t have cops hauling people off of their Hoverounds and dogpiling on them, or macing and pepper-spraying people in fake Revolutionary War garb…

  3. Do the folks with the tricorner hats realize that folks back then didn’t bathe very frequently? In short, one can’t be both authentic and be well groomed.
    Not to mention, in stark contrast from the article a few days ago saying that they should dress as if wanting a job. If someone walks into my office in a tri-corner hat, misspelled sign, etc. there is no way they get further job consideration.

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