Sweet Jesus, These People Are Insane

Fuck you guys. This is bullshit.

Well, it’s February in Wisconsin. And that means it’s time for the Polar Plunge. That’s right. Every year, a bunch of totally insane motherfuckers jump into a hole cut into the ice as a way to raise money for the Special Olympics.

This year, friend of the blog and regular commenter Hobbes is taking the plunge. Sothrow her some cheddar so she can get wetter.

Also, our good friends the Mad Rollin Dolls also have a team jump.Help them out.

If you’re interested in other individual donations, check outAndi orPatty.

Go give some money, bitches!

It’s for a good cause, people. If you’ve got some spare change to toss this way, please do. I know the economy sucks and the world’s caving in around us, but this is one of those little things that we do to make life better for the people served by this organization; also, it increases the total amount of joy in the world, which makes it a better place for all of us. Cough up a buck, you cheap bastards.

2 thoughts on “Sweet Jesus, These People Are Insane

  1. Ho-pe the plunge went well.
    I’ve never participated in one. Perhaps if they put a good Finnish style Sauna at the lakeside, heated to Finnish style heat, I’d give it a try. After warming up in the Sauna the cold water would feel good.

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