Words Escape Me

From Holden:

When I read this headline in the WaPo today I was not too surprised: OMB Says Medicare Drug Law Could Cost Still More. I think by now anyone who is reasonably aware (OK, that’s less than half of the voting public, I admit it) knows that the administration knew when it was enacted that Bush’s Medicare bill would cost you and me $534 billion over ten years although they lied and said it would only cost $400 billion. Now the administration’s own Office of Managment and Budget (OMB) says it’s going to cost us $42 billion more.

No, what stunned me into (fleeting) silence was the Post’s subhead to this article:

White House Estimates Show a $42 Billion Increase Over 10 Years, but Administration Officials Dispute That

Let me run that by you again, with emphasis added:

White House Estimates Show a $42 Billion Increase Over 10 Years, but Administration Officials Dispute That

Wha? B-b-but I thought the White House was part of the admini… WHA?

I can’t stand it.