Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – Ship Of Tools edition

Good morning, everybody – since the Great Romney purge of ’12, the average IQ of the Freeeperati seems to have dropped by double digits, and when you’re starting out in the double digits, that’s significant.

Frankly, I have house plants with more intelligence, and bass guitar stings with more cognitive ability.

Kibitzer is fascinated by The Mystery Of The Double Posts, so the first one’s for tha K-dawg.

It’s Scarborough Unfair!

Scarborough To Conservatives: “Stay In Your Mother’s Basement” [Video]
Real Clear Politics ^ | June 12, 2012 | Morning Joe

Posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:07:07 AM by Third Person

Joe Scarborough to Jeb Bush opponents: “You know, you can go online and act like a jackass and say what you want to say and now everybody is calling Jeb Bush a RINO (Republican in name only). Just shut the hell up.You can stay in your mother’s basement, you can eat your Cheetos, you can type on your dingy laptop. That’s all you got, but you are not the future of the Republican Party. So just keep screaming at your walls downstairs, your day is done.”


What an establishment tool. You’re an ass, Joe boy!
1 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:07:18 AM by Third Person
Scarborough may not be the sharpest tool in the bag of hammers, but there’s not enough wattage in this entire thread to power a LED nightlight:

To: Third Person

Joe. Look at the election results. We are the ones out there with jobs, businesses, paying taxes, and are winning every election in most parts of the country.

You’re also paying his salary by watching his show, so it all evens out.

We are the majority, and we are going to change the way Washington functions…like it or not.

2 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:09:24 AM by ilgipper
Not only are they “the majority”, they’re also the best and the brightest!

To:Third Person

Hey Joe, at least we do not get paid to show off our stupidity.

3 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:09:57 AM by Stayingawayfromthedarkside
That’s telling him!

To: Third Person

Hey Joe, at least we do not get paid to show off our stupidity.

4 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:10:16 AM by Stayingawayfromthedarkside
That’s telling him again!

To: Third Person

Hey Joe, at least we do not get paid to show off our stupidity.

6 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:10:25 AM by Stayingawayfromthedarkside
I have to assume that you’re doing it for free.

To: Third Person

Hey Joe, at least we do not get paid to show off our stupidity.

7 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:10:53 AM by Stayingawayfromthedarkside
Fuck. At least L. Ron Hubbard got paid a penny a word to show off his stupidity.
Kibitzer? Take Stayingawayfromthedarkside back to his toxic waste-of-time drum and plop him back in – he’s not done yet.

To: Third Person

And what’s this nonsense about being in mom’s basement? I do believe that the Tea Party and conservatives skew OLDER, not younger.

I can’t understand it! I keep hitting the “Post” button and nothing’s happening!

Alot of retirees trying to hang onto their savings and middle-aged people with jobs. He’s got us mixed up with the Occupiers.

10 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:14:32 AM by miss marmelstein
Um – the Occupiers get out of their “parents’ basements” and Occupy public places. That’s why they’re called “Occupiers”. You’ve got them mixed up with your yelling-at-clouds brigade.

To: Third Person

The Republicans (conservatives) I know are members of the ‘Productive Class’.

They understand how to create value and generate economic growth.


They don’t do that from their ‘mother’s basement’.
Joe “Chocker” Scarborough is a dumbass.

15 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:20:04 AM by griswold3 (Big Government does not tolerate rivals.)
To: Third Person

I’d like to hear Joe talk about his dead aide.

13 posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:17:10 AM by nolongerademocrat (“Before you ask G-d for something, first thank G-d for what you already have.” B’rachot 30b)