Paragraph of the day

It comes from the preternaturally awesome Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon. Her take on the “founding fathers” is to die for:

Popular poultry purveyor Chick-fil-A has a long and well documented history of support for “traditional,” man-lady marriage.
But after Wednesday’s Supreme Court rulings, the company’s president,
Dan Cathy, couldn’t resist sharing his observation, via Twitter, that it
was a “Sad day for our nation, founding fathers would be ashamed
of our generation to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of
strong societies.” Yes, I am totally sure that self-described cougar chaser Ben Franklin, along with Thomas Jefferson, a man who likely fathered six children with his slave,
would be appalled. Cathy quickly deleted the tweet, and issued a
corporate statement that he “realized his views didn’t necessarily
represent the views of all customers, restaurant owners and employees
and didn’t want to distract them from providing a great restaurant
experience.” In other words, oops, he forgot that thoughts go on the
inside, and that conflating “shame” and civil rights can be bad for

One thought on “Paragraph of the day

  1. i was pissed at the downtown mall when they took out popeyes for ckikfil. i never ate there cause the name was stoopid too.

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