This Is My Favorite Comment on Illinois Passing Marriage Equality

Oh man, dude:

Well this should be the beginning of the end of Illinois, when they allow abnormal, sexual deviant perverts addicted to an unnatural, disgusting sex fetish, this state is will no doubt go down the toilet, but then again, this state has some of the vilest, vermin excuse of so-called human beings in the entire country. Many of the meanest, nastiest, filthiest, most ignorant, pathetic excuse for leaving, breathing space live in this state, I’ve been to several other cities and states and they outclass the garbage in this state and city, absolute bottom of the barrel live in this state & city & that’s a fact! I know, if you don’t like it leave, blah blah blah, gladly, I would love too and definitely looking to as we speak. Scumbag state, a bunch of low lives that think they’re big and bad & are so damn ignorant & no nothing about what’s going in the world & what the point of life is. Illinois, you can kiss my hairy behind, oh aren’t you clowns, so-called Chicago tough & blue collar, a bunch of ignorant, pathetic, low-live pansies, yeah, you worthless clowns are blue in the head from being dead from the neck up, how does it feel to go through life dead! Idiots!

Nothing says “I am aggro-straight” like inviting the entire Internet to actually kiss your hairy ass.


6 thoughts on “This Is My Favorite Comment on Illinois Passing Marriage Equality

  1. I can almost hear the flat vowels…
    God, imagine how he’d react if/when a football player for the Chicago Bears comes out…

  2. The flip side, which I saw somewhere on Twitter last night, from an Illinois resident celebrating the vote: “Iowa was gayer than WE were, and that’s just so gay.” Yeah, I laughed. Shoot me.

  3. Strange. I seem to remember that Chicago had built up a strong reputation of having a less than savory side. Prohibition, et al.

  4. Closely related, news tonight reported about a bill allowing equal protection for gays is headed for the house. Boehner has said he’s against it as it will lead to frivolous lawsuits and unemployment (two oldies but goodies).
    Well if unemployment is so bad and you care about it so much, then wouldn’t it also be a bad thing for a gay person who is fired for being gay (apparently legal in around 30 states)? Wouldn’t this be a cause of unemployment?
    And wouldn’t you want people to have protection against unemployment, including dismissal without just cause? You know, those lawsuits which Boehner apparently thinks are by definition to be frivolous?

  5. Dude has no clue, apparently, that the “beginning of the end of Illinois, when they allow abnormal, sexual deviant perverts addicted to an unnatural, disgusting sex fetish,” technically occurred in 1961 — that’s right, the first year of JFK’s presidency — when the state was the first in the nation to repeal criminal statutes banning gay sex.

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