“Total Twilight Zone”


I’m actually quoting Kavanaugh — yeah, it IS the fucking Twilight Zone — but it’s been that ever since Mr. Self-Described Very Large Brain descended an escalator and vaulted to the top of the GOP race for presidential nominee (Large Brain? Doubtful. Small Mind? Definitely).

It’s been a Twilight Zone ever since the mainstream press spent the better part of two years ignoring his epic, wholesale corruption, the way too cozy relationship with Russian goons, the money laundering, the skinflint stiffing of contractors, the general sleaziness because, you know, her emails, Benghazi, Clinton Rules, etc., and especially, both sides.

It’s a Twilight Zone simply nominating a person like Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I believe the women accusing him. However, even if they hadn’t come forward — at significant risk — Kavanaugh’s history shows him to be a thoroughly creepy individual, representative of the cesspool that…that nominated an equally sleazy figure like DJT. He and Trump are made for each other.

But are they made for us? Heavens, let’s hope not.