Vintage First Draft: Glengarry Glen Ross On The Potomac

I’m known for using movie analogies to explain current events. This is one of my better efforts. It was first published on May 31, 2017 in response to the news that Team Trump was organizing to counter the Muller probe. Legally, their work was shoddy, but the PR campaign was a different story. It was the first major BIG LIE PR spin offensive mounted by the Trump administration and to a large extent, it worked. They went low to reach low information voters much like the sleazy salesmen in David Mamet’s film of his own play, Glengarry Glen Ross.

I promised fewer vintage posts recently. This should be an outlier because of the long holiday weekend. Our readers are more likely to be lounging on the beach or pursuing other holiday-type pastimes than reading First Draft of a Sunday. What can ya do? Not a damn thing; other than revive a hit post from the past.

Set the dial on the Wayback Machine to May 31, 2017.

I didn’t take part in the #covfefe war on Twitter. It’s another meme that got beaten to death by conformists trying to be cool kids. I prefer to be as original as possible instead of joining in a dog pile over a typo by an idiot. It will all be forgotten in 48 hours. And Putin’s Pawn will still be president*. That concludes this rumination on the folkways of social media.

I’ve been pondering  movie/literary analogies for the news that Team Trump is starting a war room to deal with the escalating and multi-faceted Russian scandal. Since Slumlord Jared  is involved, it should be dubbed the cover up room.

The proposed war room is already down a body as David Bossie of B3 fame is begging out but Corey Lewandowski may well bring his unique brand of malakatude to the cover up. He’s good at roughing up reporters, which seems to be a qualification for admission to Trumpistan’s inner circle. The fact that it was a chick reporter gives him bonus points with the pussygrabber-in-chief. Believe me.

The Trumpers claim that they’re going gangster. Movie:

The proposed war room, Axios reported, will be filled with “experienced veterans from the campaign trail who recognize the gravity of the situation.” In an apparent acknowledgment of the seriousness of the situation, Trump staffers have reportedly begun using the phrase, “Go to the mattresses,” a line from “The Godfather,” meaning to go to or prepare for war.

Godfather buffs should recall that  going to the mattresses was ordered by the ill-tempered fathead Sonny Corleone. It resulted in a protracted, futile, and downright stupid war with the Barzini and Tattaglia families. Downright stupid *is* a word associated with Team Trump but not one they should invoke themselves. The Insult Comedian is no Vito, and Jared is no Michael. Imagine anyone calling Michael naive? They’d get it in the eyeball like Moe Greene. Jared does have a Fredo air about him. Of course, there’s a lot of competition for the title of stupidest Trump. It’s a family of Fredos headed by a Sonny who lacks Santino’s violent bravado and good hair.

It strikes me that a better analogy for the war/cover up room is David Fucking Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross. This play about sleazy real estate salesmen won the Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1984. The 1992 film version had an astonishing cast including Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris, Jonathan Pryce, Alan Arkin, and Alec Baldwin. Yeah, the same guy who plays Trump on Saturday Night Live. Believe me.

Glengarry Glen Ross is set in a real estate boiler room where all that matters is closing the sale. Deceit is not only commonplace, it’s expected by the bosses.  They’re con men practicing egregious flim-flammery. Sound familiar? It’s Trump and Kushner’s world complete with exploding F-bombs. In my experience, real estate developers swear like sailors or Mamet characters. Fuck ,yeah.

I can just imagine Trump/Baldwin giving the war/cover up roomers a pep talk and telling them to do whatever it takes to fucking close the fucking story. Lewandowski will sucker punch a reporter and  Slumlord Jared will squeeze his tenants to inspire their war/cover up roomery. Is that a word? If not, it should be. It’s tremendous. Believe me.

There’s only one person to give the last word to: Alec Baldwin. First as asshole real estate developer Blake meeting his salesmen then as asshole real estate developer/president* Trump meeting his supporters.

Put that covfefe down, it’s only for closers. Another day, another last word fib.

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