This Is Why I Have No Patience for Small Talk, Thoughts & Prayers for the Victims, or Cable News Theme Songs

This. This right here.



Marriott faux-pologized, natch, as did a bunch of other obnoxious assholes who did obnoxious asshole things like this, who took something that we still don’t even fully know what it was and turned it into an excuse for a mattress sale or whatever.

This is why I get so angry at the easy sentimentality and angel-wing GIFs and shit. The survivors are still surviving, and we’re offering them muffins. For half a fucking hour.


3 thoughts on “This Is Why I Have No Patience for Small Talk, Thoughts & Prayers for the Victims, or Cable News Theme Songs

  1. The American multinational will never pass up an opportunity to increase its brand reputation, brand recognition and brand penetration in the pursuit of profit. It’s because of that tendency that the corporation–even when trying to assert its “good citizenship” and its “personhood”–is at its most inhuman.

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