Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – hate-a-Flake edition

My goodness – did Jeff Flake step in it, or what?

President Trump Reacts to Jeff Flake’s Call For a Delay on Kavanaugh ^ | September 28, 2018 | Katie Pavlich

Posted on 9/28/2018, 4:59:07 PM by Kaslin

Speaking from the Oval Office Thursday afternoon, President Trump responded to new calls by Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) to delay a full confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh until the FBI investigates sexual assault claims from nearly 40 years ago.

“I’m going to let the Senate handle that. They’ll make their decisions. They’ve been doing a good job and very professional. I’m just hearing a little bit about it because I’ve been with the president of Chile and were talking about some very important subjects. I’m sure it will all be very good. I guess the vote was a positive vote but there seems to be a delay. I’ll learn more about it as the day goes on. I just heard about it because we were together,” Trump said. “I’m going to rely on all the people, including Sen. Grassley who is doing a very good job. That is going to be a decision they are going to make and I suspect they’ll be making some decision soon whether to take a vote or do whatever else they want to do. I will be totally reliant on what Sen. Grassley and the group decides to do.

1 posted on 9/28/2018, 4:59:07 PM by Kaslin
Quick! Get the “13th dimensional chess” yahoos in here!!
To: Kaslin


The president was very calm when answering. He is already two steps ahead of the Dems and their puppet Flake.

4 posted on 9/28/2018, 5:01:59 PM by dowcaet

To: Kaslin


If Trump is this calm, things are ok… and the universe is unfolding as it should.

12 posted on 9/28/2018, 5:05:11 PM by hecticskeptic

And of course, there’s the “broken promise” brigade :
To: Kaslin


He’s gotta quit being so freaking political. Grassley did not “do a great job” (quite the contrary – the guy was a disaster) and Ford was not a “fine woman”.

Start calling it straighter, Mr. President. We expect that of you.

7 posted on 9/28/2018, 5:03:52 PM by jstolzen

Expect in one hand and shit in the other….
To: Kaslin
It any way to lead or even communicate any support for your nominee. Rather, it says it’s ok to trash him and toss him under the bus
32 posted on 9/28/2018, 5:24:00 PM by faithhopecharity (“Politicians aren’t born, they’re excreted.” -Marcus Tillius Cicero (3 BCE))
To: Kaslin


Epic fail on Trump’s part. Does he want his nominee confirmed? Essentially not that much.

36 posted on 9/28/2018, 5:32:55 PM by Sam Gamgee

To: Paladin2


Yes but he just kneed his nominee in the groin.

59 posted on 9/28/2018, 6:47:46 PM by Sam Gamgee

I love it when you talk dirty.
One last weak defense:
To: max americana


Trump has at least a 6 year planning horizon.

56 posted on 9/28/2018, 6:35:57 PM by Paladin2

6 Years???
Try 6 minutes.

Tony Schwartz, who spent a year and a half with him as the ghostwriter for his best-selling The Art of the Deal in 1987, said the fact that Trump “has no attention span” should be an “explicit” issue in the current election. O’Donnell, who put out a tell-all book in 1991 but had kept quiet since then up until recently, wrote last month in his local paper that he’s “horrified” by the possibility of a President Trump partly because Trump’s “attention span was so small it was almost impossible to have a strategic conversation with him.”

Trump himself hasn’t exactly put these fears to rest with recent remarks. He told reporters from the Washington Post he doesn’t like to read long reports (“I want it short”), and he said on MSNBC he’s not overly worried about readying for the upcoming debates against assiduous policy wonk Hillary Clinton (“I’ve seen people do so much prep work when they get out there, they can’t speak”).

More Freeper flaking out below the fold…

To: Jonty30


Kavanaugh’s done, stick a fork in him. Trump and the GOP have so royally betrayed us. They deserve to burn in hell.

16 posted on 9/28/2018, 8:48:28 PM by huckfillary

Alice Cooper says “Line forms to the right”.
Next up – Sir Laffs-a-lot !
Trump boasts of America’s might, draws headshakes at UN
Idaho Statesman ^ | September 25, 2018 | By JONATHAN LEMIRE and ZEKE MILLER
Posted on 9/25/2018, 1:22:40 PM by Jed Eckert


President Donald Trump delivered a sharp rebuke of global governing at the United Nations on Tuesday, drawing headshakes and even mocking laughter from fellow world leaders as he promoted his aggressive “America First” agenda and boasted of America’s economic and military might.

Trump arrived late, forcing a last-minute scheduling switch, then received polite applause but also blank stares as he took his blustery brand of policies to the annual General Assembly.

Speaking in triumphal terms, Trump approached the address as an annual report to the world on his country’s progress since his inauguration. He touted economic figures, declared that the U.S. military is “more powerful than it has ever been before,” and crowed that in “less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.”

Five sentences into the president’s remarks, the audience began to chuckle and some leaders broke into outright laughter, suggesting the one-time reality television star’s puffery is as familiar abroad as it is at home. Appearing briefly flustered, Trump smiled and joked that it was not the reaction he expected “but that’s all right.


The Globalist Elite have once again shown their true feelings about America.They can all go f#@* themselves and move their corrupt UN to Geneva.

1 posted on 9/25/2018, 1:22:40 PM by Jed Eckert
I don’t think we need any further commentary on that thread.
Lastly – O’Queef makes a funny noise!
“We’re going to unmask you”: James O’Keefe set to Expose Deep State with New Investigation
Posted on 9/16/2018, 7:37:58 AM by PFW
Investigative Journalist James O’Keefe is set to make public a new investigation that will “unmask” and “put a face to the individuals who seek to disturb the fabric of our Republic.”
The investigation was teased in a 30-second trailer released on Friday under O’Keefe’s non-profit organization, Project Veritas.
According to O’Keefe, the investigation will be viewable for the public sometime next week.
“What we’re releasing next week… we must expose them in their own words. We’re going to make the hidden deep state individuals internet famous,” he said Saturday.
1 posted on 9/16/2018, 7:37:58 AM by PFW
There’s an old saying – fool me once, shame on you.
Of course, in Freeperville, it’s “Fool me 3,500 times, and maybe this time it’ll be for real!”
To: Beave Meister


James is playing a dangerous game with his teasing. The people he aims to expose are quite deadly.

8 posted on 9/16/2018, 1:27:27 AM by Windflier (Pitchforks and torches ripen on the vine. Left too long, they become black rifles.)

To: Beave Meister


I do love me some James O’Keefe!

9 posted on 9/16/2018, 3:21:03 AM by Gargantua (The wheel is spinnin’ and it can’t slow down… ;^)
Me too.
Of course, there is a contingent of the Freeperati who have had enough:
To: Beave Meister


Yawn. Let’s see it.

4 posted on 9/16/2018, 12:12:27 AM by Reno89519 (No Amnesty! No Catch-and-Release! Just Say No to All Illegal Aliens! Arrest & Deport!y)

To: Beave Meister


O’Keefe is becoming incredibly tiresome.

I’m convinced he means well, but his announcements of “Incredible things coming! Stay tuned!” have lately been unclear videos with bad sound of some liberal lackey making some comment that’s insulting or indecorous, but matters little.

Just release the video and let the public decide if it’s a “bombshell” or not.

5 posted on 9/16/2018, 12:33:17 AM by JennysCool

To: Beave Meister
Another “Announcement.”He is hyping and flogging his bait for monetary reasons. If he has something, just release it. Don’t talk about it.

He has done some good work in the past (ACORN), but he has also fallen flat on his face numerous times where his hype was not even worth the ink. I am once bitten, twice shy with all the promises and hyperactive hot air.

11 posted on 9/16/2018, 5:39:46 AM by SkyPilot (“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6)
What??  Don’t you remember his stunning expose’ on how easy it would be for Usama Bin Laden to rise from the dead and invade the U.S. by crossing the Rio Grande??
So there!
See you good people next week!

One thought on “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – hate-a-Flake edition

  1. “6 Years???
    Try 6 minutes.”

    And those are New York minutes, also, too.

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