Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – “Burger King of Kings” edition

Ok -good people – every so often, threads start up that even the Freeperati can’t stand.

Bear in mind that when the Qberts first appeared on the scene, they were hassled by some of the Freepers to the extent that Jim Rob took action.

And by “took action”, I don’t mean mass bannings like the Romney Purge, or forbidding any “Q” posts, I mean he gave them their own threads! And warned other Freepers about posting derogatory replies in them.

Yep. He gave them their very own “safe space” and cancel cultured any dissent in it.

Until now, anyway : (composite of two threads)


Hundreds of QAnon Fans Are Going to Texas to See JFK Return. No, Seriously.
Vice ^ | 11/2/2021 | Vice

Posted on 11/3/2021, 1:31:23 PM by TexasGurl24

Hundreds of QAnon supporters are currently traveling from all across the U.S. to Dallas, where they expect to see John F. Kennedy suddenly reappear on Tuesday night and ordain former President Donald Trump as the “king of kings.”

Some QAnon followers were so eager to secure their place for the return of JFK that on Monday night hundreds of them gathered in Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy was shot in 1963, waiting for the latest QAnon conspiracy theory to come true.

1 posted on 11/3/2021, 1:31:23 PM by TexasGurl24
Have we finally crossed the “Too stupid even for Freepers” line?
To: TexasGurl24
This could be the stupidest thing ever since the internet was invented.

No, that would be Free Republic,  Carry on.

Very reminiscent of the end-of-the-world cults. Bound to be disappointed.

2 posted on 11/3/2021, 1:32:47 PM by hinckley buzzard ( Resist the narrative.)

Let’s get back to the money line in the lede :  “ordain former President Donald Trump as the “king of kings.”
To: TexasGurl24
I seriously doubt this is s true Qtards are not that stupid.
3 posted on 11/3/2021, 1:33:19 PM by Fai Mao (I don’t think we have enough telephone poles., )
Followed by :
To: Fai Mao
You might lose that bet. This was the picture from yesterday on Dallas
21 posted on 11/3/2021, 1:44:14 PM by The MAGA-Deplorian ( Democrats are lawless because Republicans are ball-less! )
One Freeper replied that the four people in the above pic were the only ones there.
I beg to differ :
To: Fai Mao
I seriously doubt this is s true Qtards are not that stupid.
Sure they are. Have you never visited one of their threads right here on FR? Talk about a buncha kooks. I believe this wholeheartedly.
36 posted on 11/3/2021, 1:58:02 PM by dware (Americans prefer peaceful slavery over dangerous freedom)
Let’s take a look at one, shall we?  Obviously a minority fringe of Freeperville with only………..
1,433 replies.
This, by the way, this statement is at the very top of all official Jim Rob sanctioned “Q – trust the plan” threads:

“Do not enter onto a thread on a topic you don’t like just to disrupt, rattle cages, poke sticks, insult the regulars, or engage in trolling activities, etc.” ~ Jim Robinson

Ok – back to the “King of Kings”/ Dead Kennedys thread, where the Qberts finally show up to bash the non-believers.


Right after this word from our sponsors…


Now where were we?  Ah yes!

To: TexasGurl24
My Q-loving relative always keeps me up to date on the latest q-predictions. They are always insane and a clock is right more often their predictions. For some time, Ive heard that Kennedy Jr was really alive, is a good guy, and will join Trump’s leadership, VP perhaps? Some of the other insanity:
Trump is still president.
The calendar is about to be replaced.
We are going on the gold standard any day.
Trump was inaugurated in March for his second term.
The pope was arrested.
51 posted on 11/3/2021, 2:25:47 PM by Swirl
To: Swirl
Tell your “Q loving relative” that the real Q has been silent for over two years.
The Q threads here had been trying to unravel the rather cryptic Q drops from 2019-20 but have wandered off into COVID conspiracy stuff and other non-Q subjects lately.
59 posted on 11/3/2021, 2:53:38 PM by Chuckster (Friends don’t let friends eat farmed fish)
Details, details….
Oh – and there’s a Freeper calling himself “bagster” who is a Qbert supreme, who replies :
To: Chuckster
The Q threads here had been trying to unravel the rather cryptic Q drops from 2019-20 but have wandered off into COVID conspiracy stuff and other non-Q subjects lately.
‘Non Q subjects’, you say?
(note the date)

Q (and Trump) are well aware that the covid was an intentionally manufactured and released bio-weapon and an act of war by the alliance of China and our own domestic derps. I’d hardly say the covid is a ‘non-Q’ subject. Everything is related, goodman. Especially the covid.

69 posted on 11/3/2021, 3:49:50 PM by bagster (“Even bad men love their mamas”.)

All hail  begster   bagster!!
To: Hostage
it’s also an article in the WaPo
Q is not a military intel group. It was started by 3 youngsters as a spoof and who got tired of it about 18 months ago and now it’s just a hodgepodge of conspiracy buffs rediscovering 50 year old conspiracies
16 posted on 11/2/2021, 11:22:26 PM by blueplum (“…this moment is your moment: it belongs to you… ” President Donald J. Trump, Jan 20, 2017) )
Go gettem, bagster!!
To: blueplum
Q is not a military intel group. It was started by 3 youngsters as a spoof and who got tired of it about 18 months ago and now it’s just a hodgepodge of conspiracy buffs rediscovering 50 year old conspiracies.
Prove it, liar.

34 posted on 11/3/2021, 2:43:24 AM by bagster (“Even bad men love their mamas”.)
That’ll larn him!
To: bagster
This isn’t new information, bagster—it’s been known for a long time. There are many articles about it, which you can find using this site called Google. Here is one of many:
To: dinodino
I’m not fighting against Q, I’m just pointing out that it is a hoax that a bunch of gullible idiots bought into.
Haha. If that’s not ‘fighting Q’, then nothing is. You’re fighting Q in the same manner that the derp state (CIA) fake news media is, you just have a smaller platform. You support their efforts and oppose Trump’s and the patriots that support him. No sense in denying such an obvious truth.
The gullible idiots are the ones that let the derps influence them against Trump’s Q psyop and try to stifle the information released.
And that would be you. The good news is, you have plenty of company in the geezer brigade right here on guys can build a fort.

43 posted on 11/3/2021, 3:29:07 AM by bagster (“Even bad men love their mamas”.)
Funny – bagster hasn’t mentioned The Darnold’s re-coronation yet….
To: bagster
Are you for real? Either you’re trolling, or you’re off your meds. Q is a hoax, and always was, full stop. Q did more to hurt Trump than to help him, BTW. You should be embarrassed.
78 posted on 11/3/2021, 8:03:42 PM by dinodino ( )
To: dinodino


47 posted on 11/3/2021, 3:49:43 AM by bagster (“Even bad men love their mamas”.)
Lastly, it’s “A A-ron!”

Aaron Rodgers Considered Himself ‘Immunized’ With Vaccine AlternativeNew York Post ^ | November | Ryan Glasspiegel Posted on 11/3/2021, 6:16:03 PM by nickcarrawayThat is on full display as more details emerge with news the star Packers quarterback will miss Sunday’s highly anticipated game against the Chiefs after testing positive for COVID-19 while unvaccinated.

Rodgers “petitioned the NFL to have an alternate treatment that he underwent before he returned to the Packers that would allow him to be considered the same as someone who received one of the approved vaccinations,” according to ESPN.

NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reported that Rodgers “received homeopathic treatment from his personal doctor to raise his antibody levels.” The NFL reportedly deliberated about Rodgers’ request before declining it.

1 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:16:03 PM by nickcarraway
To: nickcarraway
NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reported that Rodgers “received homeopathic treatment from his personal doctor to raise his antibody levels.”
Oh brother. Just say you choose not to get vaccinated and stand by it. Don’t drag quack medicine like homeopathy into it.
6 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:22:49 PM by AnotherUnixGeek
To: ifinnegan
Some homeopathy works very effectively.
I’ve personally experienced healing and watched others (die) .
8 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:24:47 PM by aMorePerfectUnion (Fraud vitiates everything
To: aMorePerfectUnion
No you’re wrong.Sorry. It’s nothing.But it makes money for the hucksters. At least it’s not harmful. It’s water.
15 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:27:33 PM by ifinnegan (Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
(caution – above might not apply to teething treatments and horse dewormer)
To: ifinnegan
All you’ve done is identify yourself as a fool.
21 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:32:05 PM by aMorePerfectUnion (Fraud vitiates everything)
To: Steve_Seattle
“I use a homeopathic ointment for sciatica pain at night; it seems to work.”
Tell me about it please?
32 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:49:09 PM by Dogbert41 (“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6).)
Oh. please do!
To: Dogbert41
It’s called T-Relief. It’s a clear gel like Purell, and sometimes – if the sciatica has been bothering me – I rub a little across my lower back just before bed. It soaks in like Purell hand sanitizer. In addition to the ingredients I mentioned, there’s about a dozen others, including familiar ones like echinacea, chamomile, and calendula.
34 posted on 11/3/2021, 6:53:46 PM by Steve_Seattle
Echinacea, Chamomile, and Calendula are the backup singers in my Supremes tribute band.
To: nickcarraway
The liberal “homeopathic” type antivaxxers are just as bad or worse that the conservative “conspiracy theory” antivaxxers. It’s a strange bedfellows situation, both based on superstition ignorance and misinformation
41 posted on 11/3/2021, 7:07:46 PM by Nomad577
Ok – I’m done.
Actually, I’m done for the next week or two.
Definitely time for a FR mental health break.
In the meantime, enjoy the soothing sounds of Adrastos, Cassandra, Michael F, and Shapiro.
Tommy T out.
Oh, and since a First Draft post isn’t a First Draft post unless it has a closing video, please enjoy Keegan-Michael Key in the role he was born to play. The only one that even comes close is his “Anger Translator” for President Obama –

4 thoughts on “Today on Tommy T’s Obsession with the Freeperati – “Burger King of Kings” edition

  1. Stupid Freepers.
    Haven’t they figured out yet that JFK Jr is hanging out with Elvis in a Nebraska truck stop?1??

    It is known.

  2. You know, it’s not in my nature to blow sunshine up anyone’s tailpipe: I’ve been lost in the ozone a time or two, but I always managed to keep my feet on the ground. These uh … uhh, oh right, freepers are lost in space. Seriously, I’ve never done nothing that (my spirit couldn’t kill) put me that far out there.

    And now I’ll be listening to John Kay all day …

  3. Freepers defend Trump’s nondenial of wanting to have Mike Pence hanged for not throwing him the election. Just going to put this comment right here to show how close we are to a dictatorship.

    “I am not one of those who put “democracy” above liberty.
    I would much rather have a benevolent dictator tell me I can do what I want as long as I don’t hurt others than I would have a vote on whether I am allowed to live as a free human.
    Democracy was the tool that the founders thought would best secure liberty which was the ultimate goal. Their tool worked for a little while. It has stopped working and a new tool needs to be tried.”

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